
Answered Prayers

 Kai's new hearing aids molds are blue...easier to find when he chucks them across the room

 Once we got home a rock and roll band was formed and every noisy instrument was played at the same time...poor kid is probably overly stimulated, but honestly he loved it!

A dance party broke out around daddy the bear, you can see Kai is squealing with joy!

The hearing aid appointment could not have gone any better.    Kai took another auditory booth test which the audiologist commented about how visual he is looking around all the time.   She said it would be very easy to get false positives from him.   Then she put the hearing aids in him and he truly got that look of awe and wonder.   He didn't fuss and just left them in.   You could tell that he was trying to figure out what was going on but he liked it.   It made me weepy with tears of happiness for him.   I was so sorry that I didn't bring my camera to capture those first looks on his face.   Thank you to everybody that prayed, please continue because now I have to figure out how to get them in his ears each day.  And he is a rascal about getting them in.    He has a steep climb ahead of him to learning language but if anybody can do it, it is our little Kai Kai Sweetie Pie with the heart of a lion.  


nina said...

Liz, We are still praying for that sweet little boy. I am so glad he seemed to like having the hearing aids in his ears. I know it is hard to think he has a problem but I think when you see the difference you will be amazed. Love you guys, even from afar.

Becky said...

Rock On Kai!! With the love and support of you and your wonderful family Kai continues to thrive. We are praying for that litte KKSP (kai kai sweetie pie) rascal and hoping the hearing aides open a whole new world of music, speech and learning for him. Wish I was there to see it!
Hugs from the South!
Becky and Nick Nick