
Picture Perfect

 There are so many wonderful blogs out there and one of them that inspired me to purchase my camera is called Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 8.   This stay at home mom takes breathtaking photo's.  I went out and bought the same exact camera that she uses.   I love it!   Anyway, the lady from Ordinary Miracles has a photo contest each month and I am submitting my first picture.   I have only had the camera for less than 14 days and probably took this on day 5. 
What do I win?   $50,000!!!   In my dreams...just bragging rights, but fun just the same. 

Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 8


Nancy @ Ordinary Miracles & The Crazy 10 said...

Me??? Well I'm flattered! I'm so glad you are lovin' your camera! I've gotten most of my lenses off Craig's List too! Cause I'm on a budget!
Your photo is great! Nice vivid colors, and you can see that he's really lovin' his bubble gun! Your son is just adorable BTW! And how fun to capture the essence of summer with him. This pic really "feels" like summer. I can't wait to see your pics over time... and you adorable boys too!
I'm hoping you'll give me some suggestions of some photography posts that you'd like to see.

So glad you participated in Picture Perfect!

Nancy-of the crazy 8's

Jeannine said...

LOVE THE PICTURE...you should win the contest, the colors are amazing. I want to know the make and model of the camera. Love you

Cedar said...

Adorable! Definitely screams summer!