Here are the answers to the questions that Angela in China received from the orphanage:
1. How do they prepare the children for leaving the orphanage and coming to new families?
Answer: We hope family can send him some pictures and toys. So he gets familiar with his family's face. Our staff would constantly tell him that's his Baba and Mama, and the toys are from his parents.
2. What does he currently weight?
Answer: 22lbs
3. How tall is he?
Answer: 31 inches
4. How many teeth does he have?
Answer: 16
5. What do they call him at the orphanage and how is it pronounced?
Answer: We call him Su Ding Bei or sometimes Bei Bei in both Mandarin and our local dialect.
6. What are his favorite activities?
Answer: Play Ball. He is very active
7. Does he have a favorite caretaker? What is her name?
Answer: We have many care givers taking care of him together
8. Is he potty-trained?
Answer: Needs to be asked if he needs to go and sometimes need some help when he goes.
9. Does he have a favorite friend? What is their name?
Answer: 2 friends and they all live in the same room.
10. What does he drink?
Answer: Milk and Juice
11. Other measurements: Head-46 cm, Chest-50cm, Foot-13 cm
12: Updated pictures?
Answer: They are going to send some later.
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