Getting a decent family picture these days is mission impossible. Dan's not ready for the picture, my leg looks goofy because I am trying to pose, Kai is exhausted tired and Bei is bored with it all.
This is the best family picture we got from Kai's baptism in early April.
I wanted to take the time to thank all the people that have taken the time to read the blog over the years. I don’t take it for granted that you are reading my blog, especially when there are so many well written blogs. My first post to this blog was 3 years ago in April of 2008. It has been such a fun outlet for me. My intent was to tell both warm and interesting stories that people could relate to regardless if they adopted or not. I appreciate the fact that you have indulged me in allowing me to share my foibles and struggles of parenting and you have even let me brag about my little guys. You have all been the best audience and I have received such positive feedback from so many of you. I really thought it was time that I gave you the same and said thank you from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
My blog has been viewed 6,921 times in the past 3 years.
The blog has been viewed in the following countries
• Netherlands
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• Moldova
Don’t you wonder how a person in Moldova found my blog? I do! But more importantly don’t you wonder where the heck is Moldova? Okay, I will save you the trouble and share with you what I found on-line, it is an Eastern European Country between Romania and the Ukraine.
Official Followers
I have 3 official followers that have signed up on blogger to receive emails when I update the blog; 2 people that I know – Thank you Pamela and Tanya, one that I have no idea who it is – Thank you anonymous person. I’m not even sure how to sign up to be a follower on a blog. There are multiple traffic sources to the blog; – This is one of the biggest sources of our traffic! This blog is a friend of mine who has three beautiful triplet girls. Perhaps you remember a picture or two of Bei with the girls. Well on her site, she has my blog listed as one of her frequently read sites. We receive many of our blog hits through her site! So thank you Alison. And thank you to all the Jonwold readers who have checked out our site as well. We appreciate you and hope that you have enjoyed the blog! – This is another blog that we are listed as a favorite or frequently read. The author of this blog is a huge advocate for the children in China still waiting for their families. She was an advocate for Kai. Thank you Erin!
Google .com and then typing in our blog name are other ways people locate our blog. The people that type in my blog name are most likely family and friends.
The most frequently read blog articles that I have written in the past three years are;
- Ear Surgery Results, posted on January 29, 2011,
- My Wee Wee Hurts posted March 13, 2010
- A blog that had no title on it but was posted on May 6, 2010 - It was our last day in China.
Once again thank you for reading my blog and I hope that you continue to enjoy it!